A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. – Proverbs 18:24 – NKJV
“You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin – to the bitter end. And you can trust us to keep any secret of yours – closer than you yourself keep it. But you cannot trust us to let you face trouble alone, and go off without a word. We are your friends, Frodo. Anyway: there it is. We know most of what Gandalf has told you. We know a good deal about the ring. We are horribly afraid–but we are coming with you; or following you like hounds.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Do you have friends like this? I know to quote Lord of the Rings is kind of nerdy but I love the idea of friendship that sticks closer than a brother.
You can quote Tolkien anytime you want to Mark! haha
This is a great quote. And yes, I can think of 2, maybe 3 men that fit that description in my life. The sad part is, I probably couldn’t say that before Tres Dias and I realized I didn’t live on an island as a man and I didn’t have to do life alone as a man. As society tries to tell us we are not men if we have to rely on others to get through things.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Jon. Life is might to be a journey that is lived in community. It is so vital that we find true friends to walk it with us. Thanks